
Monday, December 29, 2008

Studio Update

Today I decided was the day. I ventured down the road in what turned out to be a rather wild and wet snow storm. I arrived at Michael's only to find that the photo storage boxes I saw on sale yesterday had returned to there normal price. I spotted a manager and asked to get the boxes at the sale price. Fortunate for me after the treacherous trip I got the price I asked for. So I gathered up 17 boxes paid for them and ventured back on the road home. I was very glad to return home safely.

Shelving before along with the bags of new boxes.

My shelving before the tidy up.

Here is my desk before.

The pile of boxes before I got started my clean up.

My work table after the tidy up. I'm so lucky I have a window right above my desk that looks out into our front yard and the road.

After the clean up.
I still have a few containers to sort through sometime soon. The biggest difference here is visually. I have a "need" to work in a tidy uncluttered atmosphere. Now my boxes are labelled and hopefully it will be easier to find things.
A belated Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Year!


  1. Wow you have so much space! That is space I can only dream of. Good job on the organizing! :D

  2. I agree. Nicely organized V! Here's to a happy, creative and organized New Year! lol
