
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Chalk experiments and a trip

I have been wanting to experiment using chalk for quite a while in fact I bought some chalks at the dollar store probably a year ago. I rolled out some white clay applied the chalk with my finger and cured. These flowers are too big for pendants so I'm not sure what I may use them for. Any suggestions any one?

My next adventure is a trip to the lovely town of Tofino and a visit with my good friend Tina Holden. She has recently published another wonderful tutorial on her well known sea urchins. See the previous post for a link to Tina's blog. We will have some clay play time and probably walk on the beach. The west coast weather where Tina lives can be unpredictable so I'm packing for sun and rain. I'm really excited about three days of visiting claying and playing. I hope to learn a few things and take some time to relax. I will take some pictures while I am away and post again when I get home.

Have a great week everyone!
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  1. Hey could always apply them to the outside of boxes or box lids....

  2. Looks Awesome!!! Love them!

