
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Greeny Ocean Breeze

As of last night I think my muse is tired and has left on a short vacation. I couldn't even come up names for the two most recent creations. Thanks Janice for the help with names this morning. I'm pondering what colours to work with next and at the moment I'm stumped. So a break for a day or two may be needed.

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  1. Hi V, your muse obviously hasn't left you with all those boxes you are able to pop out. "Things' don't need to come boxed with specific names, pardon the pun. Does a title make an item more tempting?...perhaps, but visually it says it all.

  2. This is just lovely - named or not! BTW, thanks for adding me to your blogroll! I'm adding you, too.

    SUCH pretty boxes!

  3. Awww I am so glad I could help. They are right though you don't really need names for your wonderful pieces, but you kind of do if you are sending them to it's owner with a certificate of ooak authenticity. Some people adore having a name to their piece anyways, but does it make your piece all the more wondeful... Nope... They are stunning on their own.

