
Sunday, March 28, 2010

A small collection of....

Last weekend when I was sorting through my boxes of supplies looking for my pens to cover before I found the pens I realized I had several boxes of tins, jars and things to cover. I'm not sure how these objects multiplied when I was looking. So for a laugh I thought I would take a few pictures of the collection to share. Some of these shapes have already been used to form solid polymer clay boxes and I can use them over and over. Other items in this collection will eventually get covered and be given a new life.

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  1. I would so love for that to happen to me but now with all the moving my supplies are short. Happy for you. Cant wait to see what you do with them :D I know you don't cover tins anymore but would be fun for something quick or even a quick gifty. Hugs

  2. Lots of containers...lots of clay, lol...unless maybe covering with very thin layer??
    Larger containers wouldn't be such a deterrent, but my 5" wide pasta machine just wouldn't do one sheet to cover the height. Would love to see you do something with one of the very top ones :)or the hexagon tin.
