
Thursday, April 29, 2010

The mud hole or aka excavation for the new deck

We have been planning to tear down our deck for over two years and it has finally happened. I took 90 pictures of the process here are just a couple.

the contractor and hubby inspecting the hole

at first there was just a trickle of what we thought was ground water..then it turned into a deep hole, the hole was drained and filled. The hole was full of all sorts of junk.

The above 2 pictures are an example of some of the things found in the hole. I haven't had a chance to clean up the glass bottles but when I do I will post again. I know some of you have spotted some great shapes in there I know right away I started to think about new how I could use the bottles to form some new clay vessels.

On another note most of you drop by my blog know that I'm expecting my first child any time now. I suspect that my clay time will be at a minimum for the next few months. I will be busy with my little one. Please drop by my other blog at
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  1. Ohhh how neet.We have some family that did the same thing. Found tuns of bottles after a dig on their new property. Ended up finding bottles that were worth a bit of cash. I read somewhere that people used to fill the bottles will valuables/money and hide them. So neet it makes ya wonder even if they are empty.

  2. how exciting to have found all those bottles.
