
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Back to claying

After taking a break from claying while I was pregnant and then after I had my son I got back to claying this week. I spent part of Wednesday creating two small round boxes. I haven't taken pictures yet I will soon. Sadly both boxes got a little brown in the oven I am hoping a good sanding will take care of this. My plan is to sand them both and then make the lids. It felt really good to get back in the studio and play around a little.

If you visit here regularly you will have also noticed that I have started to change the look of the blog. I like where it's going so far. It's a slow process as I'm distracted by my gorgeous little boy. More soon.


  1. Hi the new look of your blog. Happy to know you're getting a little time to be creative again. Too bad about the browning of the boxes and a temperamental oven tho as your boxes are sooooo nice. How do I know? I get to admire the green 'Seuss' box every day! :)

  2. Yay! Bummer about the boxes but glad you're back at it :)
