What a fun day! I was fortunate that my hubby Pete had to travel to Tofino from Nanaimo for work and I got to tag along. I spent about 3 hours with Tina visiting and claying. T had asked me if there any any clay project I wanted to try or learn and there wasn't anything I had in mind. So T suggested we try a version of mokume gane. I was game. So the claying began. You can see what Tina made on her blog.
http://beadcomber.blogspot.com/ I am going to attempt to include a few pictures of our day.
On the way back to Nanaimo two things happened. One we saw a bear cub along the side of the road. I took a few pictures but it was raining pretty hard and they didn't turn out too well. The other event was a truck accident. A tractor trailer dumped it's load of fish, that delayed us by about an hour. What a mess!