Personally I learned something very important from this tutorial. I need to read all of the details even if I think I understand all of the steps and directions. I missed out a very important detail because of my tendancy to skip around and not follow the steps exactly. I have a fear of trying new things with clay in case I fail. Part of this is connected to my lack of confidence in what I am goin to make and a fear that what I do make won't turn out as expected.
I am grateful that I know Tina and she is a friend. I was able to review my attempt and find out what I missed. I re read the tutorial tonight and found out what I missed in my jumping around and not reading the lesson througly. With re reading I understand the information better and am confident my next attempt will be better.
I am so grateful that I have the chance to learn from Tina and learn from her detailed tutorial. I hope that you go and check out her blog, store and wonderful tutorials. I will post pictures soon.