
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fear, risk and being creative

I have often found myself thinking about trying a new technique or method in polymer clay and being reluctant to get started. I don't understand the written directions, not enough pictures or I don't have all of the required materials. I have a couple different choices when I come upon these self imposed obstacles. I can simply not attempt the new technique, which in truth is the fear taking over and this option frequently over rules and I stop before I make a attempt. I can try the new to me method and hope for the best, sometimes this even works. Then I become very excited and think to myself "why was I so scared to try?" It turned out great! My other option is to seek support and encouragement from some amazing and talented artists that I call friends. I have met so many people in the clay community who I can chat with online. Some of these women I have had the good fortune to meet in person and some only in online chats. Discussing my fears, reluctance and concern over learning something new is very helpful. The chat could revolve around my fear to attempt a new technique but more often it's a discussion around what it is that I am trying to learn. Maybe I have read a article online or seen something in one of my polymer clay books and I don't understand the information. This opportunity to chat in real time with friends and artists is a phenomenal learning experience in it's self. I feel so joyful in knowing how many clay friends I have made and that we can and often do lean on each other regarding creative ideas and I think more importantly we support each other through every day events. Having all of this wonderful support lessens my fear and increases the risks that I am willing to take in my creative journey. I strive to learn and improve my artistic knowledge. Sometimes fear of things failing stops me from taking a creative risk but knowing that I have support decreases my fear and I jump in with my heart and hands.

Thanks to everyone who is part of my creative community!

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