
Thursday, September 10, 2009

New blog!

I belong to a wonderful online group of Canadian Clayers we call our selves Clayamies. Tina has created a group blog that will allow up to 100 different contributors to make blog posts. This is a huge under taking that has been a huge effort for Tina to develop. Thank you Tina! It is certainly a work in progress and will take time to evolve. Please go check out the blog and have a look and leave some comments. It is a great place to see many different and talented people that create with polymer clay. Some of the members are full time artists and others like myself create when time allows. So far there are 10 posts and the blog is a couple days old! Way to go to all the contributors and if you are waiting to be added to the blog list or added as a contributor please be patient! In the mean time comments are appreciated. This new blog will be a fun place to visit with new friends. Drop by and say "Hello"

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