Today I made two winter wreaths one for our door and a smaller one for a friend. I was thinking about how long I have been making these green winter wreaths. My paternal grandmother started creating them with me when I was very young probably under the age of 10. It is a tradition I enjoy every year. These simple wreaths took me less then an hour to make and I felt a great calm while doing it. I used a simple grape vine wreath and just pushed the pine and holly into the wreath no wire or glue used to attach the greenery.. I did you a bit of wire to attach the bow.
This year I choose to keep it simple and not add any ornaments or other details. I am very please with how they look.
At this time of year I am not working in my studio I am spending time with family and pondering what my next steps will be with my art. I am considering what direction I am going to take with my art and which galleries I am going to approach in hope that they will carry my art.